We are 17 weeks today and I finally feel really pregnant, not just cranky and irritated and whiny for no reason. I have a little bit of a baby belly and people I don't know are beginning to recognize that I am pregnant. Maternity clothes are a beautiful thing--if I ever have to feel a waistband again it will too soon!
I had a Physical Therapy and OB appointment on Thursday, leaving my warm house full of sleeping people at 7:10 AM!! I was looking forward to it, but that was way early on a vacation day. The therapy was good, the massage was great and I got to spend some time wandering the aisles of Target by myself and starting our baby registry between appointments. (And is it just me, or does after-Christmas clearance not seem as exciting for past couple of years?)
They got me in a little early at the OB, which was a good sign, and my stats were great: normal blood pressure, clear urine and I have gained 6 pounds total. They took blood for the quad screening test, which should be back sometime next week, and a liver blood test. Funny, I asked for both, but I have not once thought or worried about the results since that day. I guess that is a good thing. So she asks me if I am feeling any movements yet, and I told her there has been some fluttery feelings that I can't really tell the difference between muscles stretching or gas pains, so no, not really. We listened to the heartbeat--WHOOSH WHOOSH, WHOOSH WHOOSH--and made an appointment for another ultrasound in four weeks. We should be able to see the gender then, but hmmmm, I'm not sure whether we will actually find out or not.
So after I get home, we head out for shopping and lunch with my niece and nephew, to Gattiland, of course. We spent the whole afternoon there, then after a dinner snack, bath and bedtime, I stretched out on the couch to relax and read e-mails. All of a sudden my stomach starts cramping. It made me squirm a little and I wondered if I overdid it with all of the activity. But it passed and I forgot about it for a few minutes. I didn't feel it when I walked around, but every time I was still it came back. After about an hour of this, I suddenly realized--it's not my stomach, it's the baby!! Real movements, not like kicks, but as if something is gently pushing and moving around in there. This goes on most of the night whenever I am still. It was very, very cool!
I do think this baby is going to be a bit of a troublemaker: the day I tell the OB there is no real movement, he or she decides to start acrobatics in there. HA, we'll show them who's the boss here!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Too gross.
I hate green beans. As I sit here tonight, restless and agitated, I kept scratching something on my arm, thinking it is a bug bite or a scratch. It's on the back of my arm, so it's not like I can really see with some contortions, so I am trying to ignore it. Then I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. It's greenish, looks like a very bad mole--what in the world?! I get out a washcloth, thinking it is paint from school, although I wasn't around during art today, but who knows. I rub and it comes off on the cloth. It is a piece of green bean. We had green beans for lunch today. I hate green beans. I cursed those little seeds all during clean up this afternoon, how they stick to everything and get in every crevice, and now they have followed me home?! Ewww. And how it got on my arm is freaky--I guess when I ate with the kids today someone touched me. Ewwww again.
Maybe I don't want a kid after all. They tend to like green beans and have sticky hands. Maybe I will just have to teach them to like forks and spoons at an early age...
I promise every blog will not be about food. Or kids. Or gross stuff. But I just had to make you as grossed out as I am.
Maybe I don't want a kid after all. They tend to like green beans and have sticky hands. Maybe I will just have to teach them to like forks and spoons at an early age...
I promise every blog will not be about food. Or kids. Or gross stuff. But I just had to make you as grossed out as I am.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Too amazing!
It's a wonder what a little food will do for you!
I spent most of Thursday with various doctors and technicians, after feeling really crappy all week. After returning from Thanksgiving, I slept most of Saturday, and was just whiny on Sunday. I couldn't even get myself enough together to meet a good friend that was in town for lunch. (Waves to kdf!) Even a quick trip to Home depot Sunday wore me out. I figured I had overdone the holiday a bit, even though it was truly the easiest, most relaxing, fun holiday I can remember in a long time. Monday I came home with a headache, the only one since getting pregnant, and I usually get them often. But I didn't really think anything was wrong. But I took a nap and slept it off; still it lingered. By Tuesday morning at work I was chilled, shaky, dizzy, lightheaded and nauseous and my boss had to take over while I rested and then went home. I felt better after sleeping all day, missed work Wednesday along with other staff so we just figured something was going around. I felt so bad Wednesday night that I considered the ER late in the evening, but decided to sleep some more and decide in the morning. Soon after breakfast on Thursday, I gave in. I headed to the hospital, then my new Dr. worked me into her schedule (LOVE HER!). They took lots of fluids from me, did a whole history and vital stats before diagnosing slight dehydration with anemia and hypoglycemia. Among other things, I have to up the water (how am I going to do more than my 80 oz. already?!) and Gatorade, reduce the Metformin and EAT MORE! That just cracks me up.
I have not been dieting, of course, and really haven't been tracking the types and amounts of food, but I have been aware of it and thought I was doing OK. Apparently this baby is a blood-sucking, energy-zapping, food-stealing, water-guzzling vampire. Everything I put in goes right to the baby first, then I get leftovers. Which is fine by me, but there wasn't enough for both of us. After I got back to work, I ate tuna, crackers, nuts, cheese, biscuits and applesauce, and immediately perked up. WHO KNEW?! Of course, within the hour, I had heartburn, bad. I know that happens in pregnancy but figured I was just lucky. No, there wasn't enough in there to cause the heartburn. Now there is, so Tums will be my best friend. So me, the girl that got lectures from doctors and worked so hard to lose weight and ate only the right kinds of food, is now being told to eat whatever appeals to me that I can keep down and will enjoy enough of. And lots of it!
Now for the best part: She couldn't find the heartbeat on the little doppler in the office, which in my mind I knew not to worry about but she knew I was stressed, so she sent me to the ultrasound tech. YAH! Or oh no--did I want to get bad news by myself now? After about a 10 minute wait that seemed like forever, I saw the little bean. Or the big jumping bean, I should say. It was flipping and bouncing and moving all around, with a strong heartbeat of 158. I had no idea I was so stressed about it until I felt that relief wash over me. The tech was awesome and made me feel very comfortable. I go back for a longer scan next Thursday to get measurements, dates and look for any developmental issues, so I get to see the baby again in week. WHEEEEEE!
So I guess you want to see too, huh?
Awww, it's Baby ET
I spent most of Thursday with various doctors and technicians, after feeling really crappy all week. After returning from Thanksgiving, I slept most of Saturday, and was just whiny on Sunday. I couldn't even get myself enough together to meet a good friend that was in town for lunch. (Waves to kdf!) Even a quick trip to Home depot Sunday wore me out. I figured I had overdone the holiday a bit, even though it was truly the easiest, most relaxing, fun holiday I can remember in a long time. Monday I came home with a headache, the only one since getting pregnant, and I usually get them often. But I didn't really think anything was wrong. But I took a nap and slept it off; still it lingered. By Tuesday morning at work I was chilled, shaky, dizzy, lightheaded and nauseous and my boss had to take over while I rested and then went home. I felt better after sleeping all day, missed work Wednesday along with other staff so we just figured something was going around. I felt so bad Wednesday night that I considered the ER late in the evening, but decided to sleep some more and decide in the morning. Soon after breakfast on Thursday, I gave in. I headed to the hospital, then my new Dr. worked me into her schedule (LOVE HER!). They took lots of fluids from me, did a whole history and vital stats before diagnosing slight dehydration with anemia and hypoglycemia. Among other things, I have to up the water (how am I going to do more than my 80 oz. already?!) and Gatorade, reduce the Metformin and EAT MORE! That just cracks me up.
I have not been dieting, of course, and really haven't been tracking the types and amounts of food, but I have been aware of it and thought I was doing OK. Apparently this baby is a blood-sucking, energy-zapping, food-stealing, water-guzzling vampire. Everything I put in goes right to the baby first, then I get leftovers. Which is fine by me, but there wasn't enough for both of us. After I got back to work, I ate tuna, crackers, nuts, cheese, biscuits and applesauce, and immediately perked up. WHO KNEW?! Of course, within the hour, I had heartburn, bad. I know that happens in pregnancy but figured I was just lucky. No, there wasn't enough in there to cause the heartburn. Now there is, so Tums will be my best friend. So me, the girl that got lectures from doctors and worked so hard to lose weight and ate only the right kinds of food, is now being told to eat whatever appeals to me that I can keep down and will enjoy enough of. And lots of it!
Now for the best part: She couldn't find the heartbeat on the little doppler in the office, which in my mind I knew not to worry about but she knew I was stressed, so she sent me to the ultrasound tech. YAH! Or oh no--did I want to get bad news by myself now? After about a 10 minute wait that seemed like forever, I saw the little bean. Or the big jumping bean, I should say. It was flipping and bouncing and moving all around, with a strong heartbeat of 158. I had no idea I was so stressed about it until I felt that relief wash over me. The tech was awesome and made me feel very comfortable. I go back for a longer scan next Thursday to get measurements, dates and look for any developmental issues, so I get to see the baby again in week. WHEEEEEE!
So I guess you want to see too, huh?
Awww, it's Baby ET
Monday, October 22, 2007
After wishing and hoping for years, thinking it would never happen and we would just deal with it, Thursday was the day! We were so excited and went back to work with big smiles on our faces.
Here's the proof:

We're having a baby!! YAH!
They even gave it a label--this office so knows me.
And yes, there is only ONE baby in there.
So that last blog I wrote, the one where everyone thought I was teasing, which totally was not my intention as I really WAS excited about our new steps and it did seem like we had waited forever, the one where I needed to get onto bed.....
Heeee hee!
We are in our 8th week, and after a touch and go weekend at the very beginning, all is well now. The heartbeat was really strong at 125 bpm, measurements are accurate for the age and I am not having any problems. Well, other than extreme tiredness, muscle pain, nausea, and aversion to every thing that smells, I am fine. And glad for it all. So far I am surprised by everything and nothing--how tired I feel, how excited everyone is for us, how wonderful C. has been, how quickly my body changes, how supportive work is, and how freaked out I am!! I mean really, really flipped here--we really did want this, but now there is no turning back. All my years as a nanny, all the time spent in classrooms, all the kids we have known.....we have no idea what we are in for, do we?
Here's the proof:

We're having a baby!! YAH!
They even gave it a label--this office so knows me.
And yes, there is only ONE baby in there.
So that last blog I wrote, the one where everyone thought I was teasing, which totally was not my intention as I really WAS excited about our new steps and it did seem like we had waited forever, the one where I needed to get onto bed.....
Heeee hee!
We are in our 8th week, and after a touch and go weekend at the very beginning, all is well now. The heartbeat was really strong at 125 bpm, measurements are accurate for the age and I am not having any problems. Well, other than extreme tiredness, muscle pain, nausea, and aversion to every thing that smells, I am fine. And glad for it all. So far I am surprised by everything and nothing--how tired I feel, how excited everyone is for us, how wonderful C. has been, how quickly my body changes, how supportive work is, and how freaked out I am!! I mean really, really flipped here--we really did want this, but now there is no turning back. All my years as a nanny, all the time spent in classrooms, all the kids we have known.....we have no idea what we are in for, do we?
Friday, September 14, 2007
Too great!
Yeah, yeah, I haven't been here in forever--I'll get to the details later.
But for now, we have some news!
After wishing and hoping for years, thinking it would never happen and we would just deal with it, yesterday was the day! C. was so excited and I went to work with a big smile on my face.
Here's the proof:

We're getting new steps!! YAH!
Right now it is just a pile of rocks, eventually to be just boring rebar and concrete and gray steps, but they will be straight and solid.
I can't believe I am this excited about walking on concrete...
I must be old now.
OK, OK on to the other news. The past 5 months have been a crazy roller coaster in my life, our life.
Knowing my part-time-but-pays-like-full-time job was coming to an end June 30, I started a full-time job in a classroom on May 1. First time I worked full-time 5 days a week in 3 1/2 years--it was quite a shock to my system! I loved the kids, but it turned out to not really be what I was looking for and I left in July...
And went back to my old position. Remember the post about the job I had asked for and wanted and was created just for me? Well, it had not been approved by the time I needed to find something full-time, and we did not think it would ever be approved anyway, but on July 30, it was! I was a student teacher at this college, left to work for the school system; came back as a lead teacher, left to go to a private school; came back as the part-time cook, left to take a full-time position. I think I will stay forever this time. I love it--I am cooking with the kids everyday, teaching in the classroom, doing some trainings, being an admin assistant as needed--it is everything I planned for it to be and hoped for in a job!
The rest of my summer was spent on the road and in concert. I saw Clay Walker, The Police, Alison Krauss, Counting Crows, Earth, Wind and Fire, Switchfoot and of course, Clay Aiken. Nine times. Stop rolling your eyes--you all should be so lucky! Texas was exciting, Ohio was silly, North Carolina was emotional, Florida was interesting, and they were all fall-out-of-your-seat hysterical. But I am glad to be home, as much as I love traveling and seeing all my friends, this fall I have other good stuff to do, and I kinda have to be home to make it happen. ;)
Like FINALLY getting on with this baby-making thing! Stop here if you don't want to know all about it, cause I have no problem talking about it. And everyone seems to want details.
In January, I was given a mandate of 30 pounds lost by July and take Metformin and BCPs to get insides sorted out. Check--I lost 27 pounds by June 30, and although I had some tough days, I remembered to take the drugs regularly (and that is a big deal for me). So she gave us the green light to go for it: continue working out and losing weight, stay on the Met and vitamins, begin temping, eating, drinking (or not) and thinking pregnant, and check back with her in 3 months. She even said if I needed a night out of drinking and partying one last time, to do it now. How perfect--I was getting on a plane to Texas 3 days later (and yeah, I took her advice to heart :) ). But while on vacation, she called with some news: I had never had chicken pox and needed a vaccine before getting pregnant. Two shots, 30 days apart, and after the last shot, there was a 30 day waiting period before getting pregnant. Grrrr! So back on the BCP, just practicing with the temping, and more waiting. On top of that I had pretty much stopped losing weight even though I was working just as hard, and had just re-started the job. August was a really, really, REALLY tough month--lots of worries and tears and stress--I just wanted to move on, one way or the other. We had a lot of head-work to do, so it ended up being a good time to take a break from everything.
So now it is September 15 and we are starting over. The doctor says I am in the best place right now for this to happen for us: weight is good, food is good, meds are good, timing is excellent *wink wink* and attitude is really good. If we are not pregnant by the end of the year, some other discussions will have to happen, but I feel so different this time around, I don't think that will be an issue. And if it is, we'll cross that bridge when it comes.
So I guess I should go to bed, eh?
But for now, we have some news!
After wishing and hoping for years, thinking it would never happen and we would just deal with it, yesterday was the day! C. was so excited and I went to work with a big smile on my face.
Here's the proof:
We're getting new steps!! YAH!
Right now it is just a pile of rocks, eventually to be just boring rebar and concrete and gray steps, but they will be straight and solid.
I can't believe I am this excited about walking on concrete...
I must be old now.
OK, OK on to the other news. The past 5 months have been a crazy roller coaster in my life, our life.
Knowing my part-time-but-pays-like-full-time job was coming to an end June 30, I started a full-time job in a classroom on May 1. First time I worked full-time 5 days a week in 3 1/2 years--it was quite a shock to my system! I loved the kids, but it turned out to not really be what I was looking for and I left in July...
And went back to my old position. Remember the post about the job I had asked for and wanted and was created just for me? Well, it had not been approved by the time I needed to find something full-time, and we did not think it would ever be approved anyway, but on July 30, it was! I was a student teacher at this college, left to work for the school system; came back as a lead teacher, left to go to a private school; came back as the part-time cook, left to take a full-time position. I think I will stay forever this time. I love it--I am cooking with the kids everyday, teaching in the classroom, doing some trainings, being an admin assistant as needed--it is everything I planned for it to be and hoped for in a job!
The rest of my summer was spent on the road and in concert. I saw Clay Walker, The Police, Alison Krauss, Counting Crows, Earth, Wind and Fire, Switchfoot and of course, Clay Aiken. Nine times. Stop rolling your eyes--you all should be so lucky! Texas was exciting, Ohio was silly, North Carolina was emotional, Florida was interesting, and they were all fall-out-of-your-seat hysterical. But I am glad to be home, as much as I love traveling and seeing all my friends, this fall I have other good stuff to do, and I kinda have to be home to make it happen. ;)
Like FINALLY getting on with this baby-making thing! Stop here if you don't want to know all about it, cause I have no problem talking about it. And everyone seems to want details.
In January, I was given a mandate of 30 pounds lost by July and take Metformin and BCPs to get insides sorted out. Check--I lost 27 pounds by June 30, and although I had some tough days, I remembered to take the drugs regularly (and that is a big deal for me). So she gave us the green light to go for it: continue working out and losing weight, stay on the Met and vitamins, begin temping, eating, drinking (or not) and thinking pregnant, and check back with her in 3 months. She even said if I needed a night out of drinking and partying one last time, to do it now. How perfect--I was getting on a plane to Texas 3 days later (and yeah, I took her advice to heart :) ). But while on vacation, she called with some news: I had never had chicken pox and needed a vaccine before getting pregnant. Two shots, 30 days apart, and after the last shot, there was a 30 day waiting period before getting pregnant. Grrrr! So back on the BCP, just practicing with the temping, and more waiting. On top of that I had pretty much stopped losing weight even though I was working just as hard, and had just re-started the job. August was a really, really, REALLY tough month--lots of worries and tears and stress--I just wanted to move on, one way or the other. We had a lot of head-work to do, so it ended up being a good time to take a break from everything.
So now it is September 15 and we are starting over. The doctor says I am in the best place right now for this to happen for us: weight is good, food is good, meds are good, timing is excellent *wink wink* and attitude is really good. If we are not pregnant by the end of the year, some other discussions will have to happen, but I feel so different this time around, I don't think that will be an issue. And if it is, we'll cross that bridge when it comes.
So I guess I should go to bed, eh?
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Too good!
Haven't been here in a while--lots going on in my life, and one day I will catch up, but in the meantime...
I don't usually blog about American Idol, although I am watching, and after tonight, I just had to go find the ultimate performance of a Bee Gees song. Not only is it my all-time fave BG song, it is my all-time fave AI performance by my all-time fave contestant.
Take that Jordin!
I don't usually blog about American Idol, although I am watching, and after tonight, I just had to go find the ultimate performance of a Bee Gees song. Not only is it my all-time fave BG song, it is my all-time fave AI performance by my all-time fave contestant.
Take that Jordin!
American Idol,
Bee Gees,
Clay Aiken,
Jordin Sparks,
To Love Somebody
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Too - hmm, too what?
Who cares?!
In the first round!
DUKE LOST! Ha ha ha ha ha haaaa haaaa haaaaaaa!
Duke lost.
Duke lost.
Duke lost.
Duke lost.
I can go to bed happy now. Heh, I can DIE happy now.
Don't really care what happens with Kentucky tomorrow, now cause
Apparently I'm not the only one: Poetic Justice
In the first round!
DUKE LOST! Ha ha ha ha ha haaaa haaaa haaaaaaa!
Duke lost.
Duke lost.
Duke lost.
Duke lost.
I can go to bed happy now. Heh, I can DIE happy now.
Don't really care what happens with Kentucky tomorrow, now cause
Apparently I'm not the only one: Poetic Justice
Too silly...
What is the big deal?!?!
I just finished watching a romp 'em stomp 'em basketball game that had several highlights, numerous stellar plays and some outstanding teamwork. The complete routing of Stanford wasn't bad either. And what was the closing comment: "Rick Pitino returns to Lexington." What the .....?! Of all the things they could have focused on, the comentator chose that very minor, insignificant piece of trivia. WHY is this such a big deal?
I grew up in Lexington, and although I never had a desire to attend the University of Kentucky, I have always been a big Wildcat fan. Family dinners and holiday celebrations revolved around when the UK game was on, blue and white were the traditional colors of a baby's first onesie and the roads were usually deserted on Saturday afternoons. I moved to Louisville as a young adult and attended the University of Louisville for my bachelor's degree, cheering for the Cards unless they were playing UK. So I know all about the rivalry, and have friends and co-workers that are die-hard haters of each team (luckily I married a UK fan, but it wouldn't have been a deal breaker like some I know). UK had many good years with Pitino, but he moved on to coach the Boston Celtics in 1997. When Pitino came back to the area to coach Louisville, one would have thought the world had ended for many Wildcat fans. I thought Pitino was a great coach for UK, and I was even considered for a job with the Pitino family when they left for Boston, so I guess I liked him well enough, but I didn't boo-hoo when he left. Nor did I hate him when he came to Louisville. And even as a Widcat fan that FULLY SUPPORTS Tubby Smith, I don't feel like a traitor for saying that Pitino is probably the greatest college coach working right now, and I hope Louisville goes really far in this tournament.
Am I not normal? Am I supposed to have this hatred for all things red and black? Am I wrong for actually liking that Pitino is leading Louisville to a quality program? I am not a coach, player, or sportswriter, so maybe I am considered dumb about this, but I just don't get it. I am just a casual sports fan that likes to support those close to me and be proud of my local teams. There are so many interesting, inspiring stories that naturally come out of the NCAA tournament, that I hate to see some long ago drama brought up again. Hey, CBS--you are the only one talking about it.
Now if Clay Aiken starts coaching for UNC, maybe I will have to change my teams...
I just finished watching a romp 'em stomp 'em basketball game that had several highlights, numerous stellar plays and some outstanding teamwork. The complete routing of Stanford wasn't bad either. And what was the closing comment: "Rick Pitino returns to Lexington." What the .....?! Of all the things they could have focused on, the comentator chose that very minor, insignificant piece of trivia. WHY is this such a big deal?
I grew up in Lexington, and although I never had a desire to attend the University of Kentucky, I have always been a big Wildcat fan. Family dinners and holiday celebrations revolved around when the UK game was on, blue and white were the traditional colors of a baby's first onesie and the roads were usually deserted on Saturday afternoons. I moved to Louisville as a young adult and attended the University of Louisville for my bachelor's degree, cheering for the Cards unless they were playing UK. So I know all about the rivalry, and have friends and co-workers that are die-hard haters of each team (luckily I married a UK fan, but it wouldn't have been a deal breaker like some I know). UK had many good years with Pitino, but he moved on to coach the Boston Celtics in 1997. When Pitino came back to the area to coach Louisville, one would have thought the world had ended for many Wildcat fans. I thought Pitino was a great coach for UK, and I was even considered for a job with the Pitino family when they left for Boston, so I guess I liked him well enough, but I didn't boo-hoo when he left. Nor did I hate him when he came to Louisville. And even as a Widcat fan that FULLY SUPPORTS Tubby Smith, I don't feel like a traitor for saying that Pitino is probably the greatest college coach working right now, and I hope Louisville goes really far in this tournament.
Am I not normal? Am I supposed to have this hatred for all things red and black? Am I wrong for actually liking that Pitino is leading Louisville to a quality program? I am not a coach, player, or sportswriter, so maybe I am considered dumb about this, but I just don't get it. I am just a casual sports fan that likes to support those close to me and be proud of my local teams. There are so many interesting, inspiring stories that naturally come out of the NCAA tournament, that I hate to see some long ago drama brought up again. Hey, CBS--you are the only one talking about it.
Now if Clay Aiken starts coaching for UNC, maybe I will have to change my teams...
Friday, March 09, 2007
Too fun
Something new and fun...a little bit about me. Thanks to YSRN at the Thistle Hut for the inspiration--her pictures are awesome too!
(And no, there was not a Clay Aiken option, in any category.
I checked. Twice.)
(And no, there was not a Clay Aiken option, in any category.
I checked. Twice.)
Clay Aiken,
Easy Rider,
Escape Artist,
Home Soul,
New Wave Puritan,
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Too happy!
I have been pretty frustrated this week with the weight loss, or lack of it. I stepped on the scale Sunday to see that I had gained 6 pounds over night. OK, OK, we ate at Tumbleweed, but I was pretty good--ordered chicken and veggies and brought more than half of it home and even walked when we got home late, even though I didn't feel like it. So I weighed again throughout the day--still up. How can one gain 6 pounds in one day?
I struggled with how to track myself when I started this plan in November, at first just going by how I felt and how my clothes were fitting. No way did that work--not concrete enough and no immediate feedback. So I decided to weigh myself once a week, same time, day and clothing. That was OK, but a big gain or staying the same was more disheartening than a big loss was motivating--a week was too long. What works for me is everyday. I thought maybe it would discourage me to not see it going down every day, but nope. If it doesn't move down or stay the same, I know to make some changes, either pushing myself on the exercise or reviewing what I ate the past few days.
So this week I continued to step on the scale as soon as I got out of bed. Monday morning: still up. GRRRRR! Tuesday morning: down 1 pound. I ranted to my friends. Wednesday morning: down 1 more. Getting better. This morning: down 4 and a half pounds!
I met my first weight loss goal! YAH!!! Whoo Hoo!!
*. *:*.*throws confetti*. *:*.*
It was a small goal--10 pounds--but I am two weeks and one day ahead of the date I set for myself. My husband stopped for breakfast this morning and asked me if I wanted something, and for one brief, fleeting moment, I thought "I deserve a reward--one thing won't hurt me." And no sooner was that thought out there than another replaced it: "You are going to reward yourself for all that hard work with FOOD?!?! So no, I didn't get anything icky for breakfast--stuck with my yogurt, pineapple, cereal and water. And I liked it, really--I doubt an apple pie would have tasted that good.
Next step: 5 pounds in the next 3 weeks. I know I can do this!
I struggled with how to track myself when I started this plan in November, at first just going by how I felt and how my clothes were fitting. No way did that work--not concrete enough and no immediate feedback. So I decided to weigh myself once a week, same time, day and clothing. That was OK, but a big gain or staying the same was more disheartening than a big loss was motivating--a week was too long. What works for me is everyday. I thought maybe it would discourage me to not see it going down every day, but nope. If it doesn't move down or stay the same, I know to make some changes, either pushing myself on the exercise or reviewing what I ate the past few days.
So this week I continued to step on the scale as soon as I got out of bed. Monday morning: still up. GRRRRR! Tuesday morning: down 1 pound. I ranted to my friends. Wednesday morning: down 1 more. Getting better. This morning: down 4 and a half pounds!
I met my first weight loss goal! YAH!!! Whoo Hoo!!
*. *:*.*throws confetti*. *:*.*
It was a small goal--10 pounds--but I am two weeks and one day ahead of the date I set for myself. My husband stopped for breakfast this morning and asked me if I wanted something, and for one brief, fleeting moment, I thought "I deserve a reward--one thing won't hurt me." And no sooner was that thought out there than another replaced it: "You are going to reward yourself for all that hard work with FOOD?!?! So no, I didn't get anything icky for breakfast--stuck with my yogurt, pineapple, cereal and water. And I liked it, really--I doubt an apple pie would have tasted that good.
Next step: 5 pounds in the next 3 weeks. I know I can do this!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Too cool!!!!
Whoo hoo!!
Gold star!
Good job!
(Can you tell I'm a teacher?)
The Bubel/Aiken Foundation badge is number one on Six Degrees now! Can we keep it there the rest of the month? The top six badges on March 30 will receive an additional $10,000 donation from Six Degrees. $10,000 would go a long way to helping fund these very worthy programs. If you haven't donated your $10 yet, please consider doing so.
Just click on the badge on the sidebar.
And if you want to read more, go to the The Bubel/Aiken Foundation website.
And thanks to everyone that has already donated!
Gold star!
Good job!
(Can you tell I'm a teacher?)
The Bubel/Aiken Foundation badge is number one on Six Degrees now! Can we keep it there the rest of the month? The top six badges on March 30 will receive an additional $10,000 donation from Six Degrees. $10,000 would go a long way to helping fund these very worthy programs. If you haven't donated your $10 yet, please consider doing so.
Just click on the badge on the sidebar.
And if you want to read more, go to the The Bubel/Aiken Foundation website.
And thanks to everyone that has already donated!
Clay Aiken,
Six Degrees,
The Bubel/Aiken Foundation
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Too good
not to post about!
You may notice a new link on the sidebar that goes to The Bubel/Aiken Foundation through Kevin Bacon's site Six Degrees and administered by Network for Good.
The BAF was started by Clay Aiken and Diane Bubel, the mother of a child with autism that Clay worked with in college. Their mission is:
Creating communities where ALL children can learn, live, and play together. The Bubel/Aiken Foundation will serve to bridge the gap that exists between young people with special needs and the world around them. We will support communities and programs in creating awareness and opportunities for full inclusion where barriers break and doors open. It is our goal to create an environment for children where inclusion is embraced. (www.thebubelaikenfoundation.org)
The top six badges on March 30 will receive an additional $10,000 donation from Six Degrees. TBAF is currently number 5, and we would love to see it stay there for the next 4 weeks. Can you help? Click below to be taken to the Network for Good site and make a minimum $10 doantion.
You may notice a new link on the sidebar that goes to The Bubel/Aiken Foundation through Kevin Bacon's site Six Degrees and administered by Network for Good.
The BAF was started by Clay Aiken and Diane Bubel, the mother of a child with autism that Clay worked with in college. Their mission is:
Creating communities where ALL children can learn, live, and play together. The Bubel/Aiken Foundation will serve to bridge the gap that exists between young people with special needs and the world around them. We will support communities and programs in creating awareness and opportunities for full inclusion where barriers break and doors open. It is our goal to create an environment for children where inclusion is embraced. (www.thebubelaikenfoundation.org)
The top six badges on March 30 will receive an additional $10,000 donation from Six Degrees. TBAF is currently number 5, and we would love to see it stay there for the next 4 weeks. Can you help? Click below to be taken to the Network for Good site and make a minimum $10 doantion.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Too excited! Too wonderful! TOO MUCH!!
I was coming here to update my crazy busy week and a big decision I made but whatever...LOOK!
03/02/07 : Tour News Alert!
Clay Aiken summer 2007 touring plans are close to being confirmed with dates that start in July all across the U.S. Keep your eyes peeled to clayonline.com for show announcements in the coming days, along with on sale and fan club presale information. Get your oil changed, and calculate those frequent flier miles...the summer tour will be here before you know it!
Whoo hoo! I am so ready for a full tour of all his songs, not just Christmas. And to hear him talk. And to see him smile. And waste all my money on the road.
Of course I will probably be starting a new full time job in July. One that I asked for, begged for, and was created just for me. Think the kids can feed themselves for a couple of months?
This was my favorite thing about his last summer tour: spending the night on the sidewalk with all friends, running across that huge field and then my mouth hanging open as I heard him sing "Back for More" the very first time. (One of umm, several, ahem more times in the next 36 days.)
"Back for More" did not make the album and he looks a bit different now, but that song and him on stage still blows me away every time!
03/02/07 : Tour News Alert!
Clay Aiken summer 2007 touring plans are close to being confirmed with dates that start in July all across the U.S. Keep your eyes peeled to clayonline.com for show announcements in the coming days, along with on sale and fan club presale information. Get your oil changed, and calculate those frequent flier miles...the summer tour will be here before you know it!
Whoo hoo! I am so ready for a full tour of all his songs, not just Christmas. And to hear him talk. And to see him smile. And waste all my money on the road.
Of course I will probably be starting a new full time job in July. One that I asked for, begged for, and was created just for me. Think the kids can feed themselves for a couple of months?
This was my favorite thing about his last summer tour: spending the night on the sidewalk with all friends, running across that huge field and then my mouth hanging open as I heard him sing "Back for More" the very first time. (One of umm, several, ahem more times in the next 36 days.)
"Back for More" did not make the album and he looks a bit different now, but that song and him on stage still blows me away every time!
Too crazy
This is a short one: Anyone out there walked a mini-marathon? Trained for it in only 8 weeks? After formerly being a total slob and doing no exercise? Ever started one and not finished it?
Am I asking for trouble?
Am I asking for trouble?
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Too cool!
One more pound down since Monday! I am completely surprised about that, since I had such a bad stressful week and was so lazy on my 4 days off. So a total of 7 pounds lost and 1.5 inches off my waist in 6 weeks--about what I hoped for. I have a goal of 10 pounds lost by March 23, and not only do I think that is very doable, but I think I can even kick it up a notch. I am going to an event out of town at the end of March and I would love to lose 10 pounds before that. Plus it's getting to be spring here, so I am always more active when the weather is nice.
Someone recommended a new site this morning

It is a lot like the Weight Watchers Online site except it keeps track of the nutrition values, not points (hatesss Points). And it's free. I really like it since it has almost everything you eat already in there, and if not you can add an item once and then it is always there.
Today I have to clean the kitchen, finish putting my recipe file back together and fold 7 baskets of laundry from last week. And plan a presentation for Wednesday, fill out a job application, answer 4 work e-mails, enter 19 grant orders and format a mass mailing. Vacations really throw me of my regular routine! But first I am going to walk 4 miles on the treadmill and watch UK stomp on Vandy!
Oh yeah, and I'm crossing everything I have for Jennifer Hudson on tonight's Oscar's!
Someone recommended a new site this morning

It is a lot like the Weight Watchers Online site except it keeps track of the nutrition values, not points (hatesss Points). And it's free. I really like it since it has almost everything you eat already in there, and if not you can add an item once and then it is always there.
Today I have to clean the kitchen, finish putting my recipe file back together and fold 7 baskets of laundry from last week. And plan a presentation for Wednesday, fill out a job application, answer 4 work e-mails, enter 19 grant orders and format a mass mailing. Vacations really throw me of my regular routine! But first I am going to walk 4 miles on the treadmill and watch UK stomp on Vandy!
Oh yeah, and I'm crossing everything I have for Jennifer Hudson on tonight's Oscar's!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Too bad!
My husband is in so much trouble!
You know what time of year it is, right? That season when strangers tease you as you enter the store, neighbors ring your doorbell at odd times, co-workers accost you in the hallway?
Yep, Girl Scout cookie time. Yesterday the "cookie mom" at work brought in all the boxes that had been ordered by our staff. We all talked and laughed about how many boxes she had, how hard she was working, how late she stayed up organizing orders, how "bad" we all were for even ordering them, and all the while I was snickering inside "I'm not bad. I didn't even order any. I wasn't even tempted. I am so strong."
So this afternoon I was in the staff room and my husband comes in and says "Try these." It was an opened box of the sugar free brownie bites, so I thought OK, it is sugar free and small, and maybe it will be a good alternative if I am looking for a chocolate fix. They were not bad, but not really worth the calories and fat either. But then he says, holding up a bag, "And these are MINE!" He had 2 boxes of thin mints and tagalongs in there! And he proceeds to leave the room.
WHAT? He is on a strict no-caffeine diet, and we just got finished not buying all that junk at the grocery.
And for the record, I have always hated Girl Scout cookies. Small, overpriced boxes filled with bland, waxy coated cookies. But as I continued working, the boxes were mocking me, calling my name, daring me to open the lid. I couldn't stand it! So I had two Somaos--mmm...peanutbutterandchoclateandcookiecrust. A few minutes later he came back in and opened the box himself, and I had another. Damn him.
Now I am thirsty, and what goes better than milk with cookies.
But we only have 2% here.
Oh well, one glass won't hurt me.
Oh look, there is extra milk left in the glass.
Two more cookies should finish it off...
OK, I'm feeling sick--I have got to get out of here--this is too much! Since the laptop battery is dying, I pack up and head to the car to recharge. On my way out, someone is filling the candy tin...and there are Sweet Tarts in there. Sour, tiny, pure sugar and they jump into my hand.
Apparently I'm not really that strong. Little bitty cookies can knock me out cold, and candy does a jig as I fall.
But I am strong enough to kick my husband's ass when he gets home tonight. He better hope the cookies add a little extra padding.
You know what time of year it is, right? That season when strangers tease you as you enter the store, neighbors ring your doorbell at odd times, co-workers accost you in the hallway?
Yep, Girl Scout cookie time. Yesterday the "cookie mom" at work brought in all the boxes that had been ordered by our staff. We all talked and laughed about how many boxes she had, how hard she was working, how late she stayed up organizing orders, how "bad" we all were for even ordering them, and all the while I was snickering inside "I'm not bad. I didn't even order any. I wasn't even tempted. I am so strong."
So this afternoon I was in the staff room and my husband comes in and says "Try these." It was an opened box of the sugar free brownie bites, so I thought OK, it is sugar free and small, and maybe it will be a good alternative if I am looking for a chocolate fix. They were not bad, but not really worth the calories and fat either. But then he says, holding up a bag, "And these are MINE!" He had 2 boxes of thin mints and tagalongs in there! And he proceeds to leave the room.
WHAT? He is on a strict no-caffeine diet, and we just got finished not buying all that junk at the grocery.
And for the record, I have always hated Girl Scout cookies. Small, overpriced boxes filled with bland, waxy coated cookies. But as I continued working, the boxes were mocking me, calling my name, daring me to open the lid. I couldn't stand it! So I had two Somaos--mmm...peanutbutterandchoclateandcookiecrust. A few minutes later he came back in and opened the box himself, and I had another. Damn him.
Now I am thirsty, and what goes better than milk with cookies.
But we only have 2% here.
Oh well, one glass won't hurt me.
Oh look, there is extra milk left in the glass.
Two more cookies should finish it off...
OK, I'm feeling sick--I have got to get out of here--this is too much! Since the laptop battery is dying, I pack up and head to the car to recharge. On my way out, someone is filling the candy tin...and there are Sweet Tarts in there. Sour, tiny, pure sugar and they jump into my hand.
Apparently I'm not really that strong. Little bitty cookies can knock me out cold, and candy does a jig as I fall.
But I am strong enough to kick my husband's ass when he gets home tonight. He better hope the cookies add a little extra padding.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Too long
...at the store! Between yesterday and today, I have spent more time at the grocery store than I ever dreamed was possible. Four hours to read labels, count portions, compare prices, debate nutrition...enough to drive me crazy. And did ya know good for you food is waaaay more expensive? I could have gotten 3 boxes of Crunchy Sugary Floaties for the price I paid for my one small box of Kashi Go Lean Crunch, and we spent almost $8.00 on grapes, instead of a $2.00 bag of chips. But now we have lots of good food, stuff even my husband will eat, and I got to hear Clay singing over the loudspeaker. Yeah, I stopped in the middle of the aisle to listen.
What. The store was loud.
Don't tell me you have never done that.
While I was there, I stocked up on my new favorite thing:

Suave Radiant Brunette Shampoo
I have tried them all: Bed Head, Pantene, John Freida, Tresemme and yeah, they got my hair clean but this one actually does what it says. Every morning it looks like I have just left the salon: shiny, deep, layered color, and so soft. Smells good too!
And finally, one more pound down! WHOO HOO!
ahem...I was hoping for more as much as I worked last week, but at least it was a loss.
What. The store was loud.
Don't tell me you have never done that.
While I was there, I stocked up on my new favorite thing:

Suave Radiant Brunette Shampoo
I have tried them all: Bed Head, Pantene, John Freida, Tresemme and yeah, they got my hair clean but this one actually does what it says. Every morning it looks like I have just left the salon: shiny, deep, layered color, and so soft. Smells good too!
And finally, one more pound down! WHOO HOO!
ahem...I was hoping for more as much as I worked last week, but at least it was a loss.
Clay Aiken,
grocery shopping,
Suave Shampoo
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Too many
...doctor's appointments. And since I have another one next week, I thought this would be a good time to look back on where I am and what we are trying to do.
I have a medical condition that runs in my family and I have always known having children may be difficult, but I didn’t really think it would be that hard—I know lots of people with this condition that had children with relative ease. But after 3 years of trying, it’s not happening for us. Last summer we finally decided to take a more aggressive approach—time, money and health is eventually going to run out on us. So I made an appointment and the earliest time that was available was November 17--the day I was invited to go to New York and see Clay on Regis and Kelly, of course—and waited.
Friday, November 10: Bloodwork and tests for the appointment on Nov. 17—6 vials! I felt like I should have eaten a whole cow to replenish myself after that, but I didn’t.
Friday, November 17: Internist appointment, and guess what—I had a migraine. So no progesterone shot like planned, but she did read the bloodwork and more referrals were needed. I also went on labetalol for the migraines, as I was having them too frequently.
Tuesday, November 21: Met with nutritionist to discuss food plans, decided to try cutting out white stuff, with the occasional indulgence.
Friday, December 15: A progesterone shot to get me started. But there will be no more—I had a very bad reaction, and almost missed my vacation in Michigan the next week.
Wednesday, December 27: First endocrinologist appointment. She pescribed 2000mg of glucophage for PCOS.
Thursday, December 28: Internist and fasting bloodwork for the endo. No migraines in a month and I’ve lost 5 pounds.
Wednesday, January 3: Started doing 30 minutes yoga and 15 minutes of hand weights each day.
Tuesday, January 9: Test results: no diabetes or thyroid problems. But yes to insulin resistance and APLS, which I knew, but they wanted to see for themselves. Glucophage will help with the IR and the labetalol may help with the APLS, but we will treat that when I get pregnant.
Thursday, February 1: First fertility specialist appointment. She took a very detailed history including height (I grew an inch since high school!) and weight, talked for a long time about all the options and wants to be conservative. She is not concerned about my age or history, that weight loss along with the glucophage will be the best chance of a successful pregnancy. If we are not pregnant by July, then more aggressive intervention will be discussed. Also did a full pelvic exam—OUCH!
Friday, February 2: Started back on exercise bike 60 minutes a day. Will alternate with the treadmill at work when I can.
Friday, February 9: Test results: no ovarian, cervical or uterine cancer—THAT'S GOOD! Also a personal trainer came to the house and gave me advice based on the equipment we have here and at work. The plan is 60 minutes on treadmill 3 days a week, 60 minutes on bike 2 days a week, 30 minutes on 4 alternate days of yoga or balance ball, and hand weights anytime I am watching TV.
Wednesday is a follow-up with the endocrinologist, I’m sure there will blood taken and lots of questions, but basically it is to make sure the gluco is doing what it needs to be doing.
Overall, I am very happy with the plans—the weight can’t come of quick enough and July can’t get here soon enough, but I need to practice patience, I guess.
Off to visit the bike!
I have a medical condition that runs in my family and I have always known having children may be difficult, but I didn’t really think it would be that hard—I know lots of people with this condition that had children with relative ease. But after 3 years of trying, it’s not happening for us. Last summer we finally decided to take a more aggressive approach—time, money and health is eventually going to run out on us. So I made an appointment and the earliest time that was available was November 17--the day I was invited to go to New York and see Clay on Regis and Kelly, of course—and waited.
Friday, November 10: Bloodwork and tests for the appointment on Nov. 17—6 vials! I felt like I should have eaten a whole cow to replenish myself after that, but I didn’t.
Friday, November 17: Internist appointment, and guess what—I had a migraine. So no progesterone shot like planned, but she did read the bloodwork and more referrals were needed. I also went on labetalol for the migraines, as I was having them too frequently.
Tuesday, November 21: Met with nutritionist to discuss food plans, decided to try cutting out white stuff, with the occasional indulgence.
Friday, December 15: A progesterone shot to get me started. But there will be no more—I had a very bad reaction, and almost missed my vacation in Michigan the next week.
Wednesday, December 27: First endocrinologist appointment. She pescribed 2000mg of glucophage for PCOS.
Thursday, December 28: Internist and fasting bloodwork for the endo. No migraines in a month and I’ve lost 5 pounds.
Wednesday, January 3: Started doing 30 minutes yoga and 15 minutes of hand weights each day.
Tuesday, January 9: Test results: no diabetes or thyroid problems. But yes to insulin resistance and APLS, which I knew, but they wanted to see for themselves. Glucophage will help with the IR and the labetalol may help with the APLS, but we will treat that when I get pregnant.
Thursday, February 1: First fertility specialist appointment. She took a very detailed history including height (I grew an inch since high school!) and weight, talked for a long time about all the options and wants to be conservative. She is not concerned about my age or history, that weight loss along with the glucophage will be the best chance of a successful pregnancy. If we are not pregnant by July, then more aggressive intervention will be discussed. Also did a full pelvic exam—OUCH!
Friday, February 2: Started back on exercise bike 60 minutes a day. Will alternate with the treadmill at work when I can.
Friday, February 9: Test results: no ovarian, cervical or uterine cancer—THAT'S GOOD! Also a personal trainer came to the house and gave me advice based on the equipment we have here and at work. The plan is 60 minutes on treadmill 3 days a week, 60 minutes on bike 2 days a week, 30 minutes on 4 alternate days of yoga or balance ball, and hand weights anytime I am watching TV.
Wednesday is a follow-up with the endocrinologist, I’m sure there will blood taken and lots of questions, but basically it is to make sure the gluco is doing what it needs to be doing.
Overall, I am very happy with the plans—the weight can’t come of quick enough and July can’t get here soon enough, but I need to practice patience, I guess.
Off to visit the bike!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Too happy!
How awesome were those Grammys?! I was so hapy for the Dixie Chicks I cried. Really. Real tears, tissues, runny nose and everything.
Whoo hoo! 2 more pounds gone since Friday! I was so frustrated when I weighed myself after all the work I did last week and the scale didn't move. I blamed it on my Super Bowl gluttony and making so much of my favorite snack at work that there were leftovers all week. Truth is I was not that bad, and the work just had not caught up with me yet.
I missed the treadmill today as I spent my afternoon in the classroom, so it was the bike for me when I got home. Have I told you I hate that bike? Well, I do. But I discovered a new way to kill my thighs--it's all in the placement of the feet. Ouch!
Off to make dinner and swoon over Jack for the next two hours.
gah, what a great day!
Whoo hoo! 2 more pounds gone since Friday! I was so frustrated when I weighed myself after all the work I did last week and the scale didn't move. I blamed it on my Super Bowl gluttony and making so much of my favorite snack at work that there were leftovers all week. Truth is I was not that bad, and the work just had not caught up with me yet.
I missed the treadmill today as I spent my afternoon in the classroom, so it was the bike for me when I got home. Have I told you I hate that bike? Well, I do. But I discovered a new way to kill my thighs--it's all in the placement of the feet. Ouch!
Off to make dinner and swoon over Jack for the next two hours.
gah, what a great day!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Too funny!
Oh yeah, and apparently I have GROWN an inch! I can't remember the last time I had my height measured, but I'll take it. :)
Friday, February 09, 2007
Too young...
to be home on a Friday night, typing on the computer. Tonight I cleaned out and organized my cookbooks. Tomorrow I am sorting our tax info. Yesterday I updated our emergency numbers and address books.
I am so old. And so boring.
But as long as I am taking inventory, here is what else I did this week:
Monday: stationary bike for 55 minutes, yoga for 30 minutes
Tuesday: yoga for 30 minutes, weights for 10 minutes
Wednesday: treadmill for 55 minutes, yoga for 1 hour, weights for 10 minutes
Thursday: treadmill for 30 minutes, balance ball for 30 minutes, yoga for 30 minutes
Friday: balance ball for 30 minutes, stationary bike for 45 minutes, weights for 10 minutes
And ding dang it--the scale didn't move! I feel great, I am sleeping better than ever and have tons of energy during the day, but wow, that is frustrating. grrrrr! Next week I better have lost twice as much...
On a much happier note, I got some most excellent test results back today. One that I didn't even know was being run. That's how all doctor's should do it--take what they need, don't tell you about it, run the test and then let you know you're OK. That way you don't have time to worry about it. Woo wee...that would have been tough if I had been thinking about it all week!
I am so old. And so boring.
But as long as I am taking inventory, here is what else I did this week:
Monday: stationary bike for 55 minutes, yoga for 30 minutes
Tuesday: yoga for 30 minutes, weights for 10 minutes
Wednesday: treadmill for 55 minutes, yoga for 1 hour, weights for 10 minutes
Thursday: treadmill for 30 minutes, balance ball for 30 minutes, yoga for 30 minutes
Friday: balance ball for 30 minutes, stationary bike for 45 minutes, weights for 10 minutes
And ding dang it--the scale didn't move! I feel great, I am sleeping better than ever and have tons of energy during the day, but wow, that is frustrating. grrrrr! Next week I better have lost twice as much...
On a much happier note, I got some most excellent test results back today. One that I didn't even know was being run. That's how all doctor's should do it--take what they need, don't tell you about it, run the test and then let you know you're OK. That way you don't have time to worry about it. Woo wee...that would have been tough if I had been thinking about it all week!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Too excited!!
So I went to a new doctor on Thursday, and we now have a plan! Not just hoping and trying and wishing, but steps and methods and a timeline for getting pregnant. Whoo hoo! It’s just what I was wanting, what we were wanting: low cost, easy to implement, non-invasive and effective. I have heard these things worked for a lot of people, and didn’t doubt it, but it was so good to hear it from a professional. I was amazed that before she even did any exams or tests we sat and talked in her office, listening to me give full answers and letting me ask questions of my own. It’s a good thing, cause I wouldn’t have liked her nearly as much after the exam – that was painful!
And of course it will work by the summer, because that is when I am supposed to start a new job and hit the road to see Clay.
Y’all can thank me when tickets go on sale…
And of course it will work by the summer, because that is when I am supposed to start a new job and hit the road to see Clay.
Y’all can thank me when tickets go on sale…
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Too bad :(
I have to get back on the bike. Ding dang it, I hate that bike. Pedaling or elliptical, I hate it. Bor.ing. Repetitive. Tedious. And it usually makes my butt hurt. Not like the yoga that I have come to love, that makes me hurt in a good way and I feel so good afterwards that I scrub the kitchen floor. I thought I was doing so well, doing the right thing, and I was starting to see results – 4 pounds lost in 3 weeks! – but I was told to do more aerobics and less strength. Yea, yea, makes sense. But I love my yoga! And I hate that bike. But I am a good little patient, so off to the dungeon I go. Thank goodness for TiVo…
Too long
WOW! It was May the last time I blogged. Unbelievable!
I decided to revive this since there are lots of things going on in my life, and some people have wanted to come along for the ride, so this is the place. This won't be a pretty blog or a huge blog or a ranked blog -- there are lots of people that can do that much better than I -- but it will be my story and hopefully a bit entertaining as I take you with me to Clay Aiken concerts, culinary delights, Target road trips, doctors appointments, TV marathons and housekeeping adventures. I am hoping to lose lots of things and gain some others along the way.
I decided to revive this since there are lots of things going on in my life, and some people have wanted to come along for the ride, so this is the place. This won't be a pretty blog or a huge blog or a ranked blog -- there are lots of people that can do that much better than I -- but it will be my story and hopefully a bit entertaining as I take you with me to Clay Aiken concerts, culinary delights, Target road trips, doctors appointments, TV marathons and housekeeping adventures. I am hoping to lose lots of things and gain some others along the way.
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