Friday, February 23, 2007

Too bad!

My husband is in so much trouble!

You know what time of year it is, right? That season when strangers tease you as you enter the store, neighbors ring your doorbell at odd times, co-workers accost you in the hallway?

Yep, Girl Scout cookie time. Yesterday the "cookie mom" at work brought in all the boxes that had been ordered by our staff. We all talked and laughed about how many boxes she had, how hard she was working, how late she stayed up organizing orders, how "bad" we all were for even ordering them, and all the while I was snickering inside "I'm not bad. I didn't even order any. I wasn't even tempted. I am so strong."

So this afternoon I was in the staff room and my husband comes in and says "Try these." It was an opened box of the sugar free brownie bites, so I thought OK, it is sugar free and small, and maybe it will be a good alternative if I am looking for a chocolate fix. They were not bad, but not really worth the calories and fat either. But then he says, holding up a bag, "And these are MINE!" He had 2 boxes of thin mints and tagalongs in there! And he proceeds to leave the room.

WHAT? He is on a strict no-caffeine diet, and we just got finished not buying all that junk at the grocery.

And for the record, I have always hated Girl Scout cookies. Small, overpriced boxes filled with bland, waxy coated cookies. But as I continued working, the boxes were mocking me, calling my name, daring me to open the lid. I couldn't stand it! So I had two Somaos--mmm...peanutbutterandchoclateandcookiecrust. A few minutes later he came back in and opened the box himself, and I had another. Damn him.
Now I am thirsty, and what goes better than milk with cookies.
But we only have 2% here.
Oh well, one glass won't hurt me.
Oh look, there is extra milk left in the glass.
Two more cookies should finish it off...

OK, I'm feeling sick--I have got to get out of here--this is too much! Since the laptop battery is dying, I pack up and head to the car to recharge. On my way out, someone is filling the candy tin...and there are Sweet Tarts in there. Sour, tiny, pure sugar and they jump into my hand.

Apparently I'm not really that strong. Little bitty cookies can knock me out cold, and candy does a jig as I fall.

But I am strong enough to kick my husband's ass when he gets home tonight. He better hope the cookies add a little extra padding.

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