Wanna hear about my day? I know you are just dying for an update... :) It's a long one, and not even all about baby for once.
Up at 6 AM as usual, with only about 4 hours of sleep, as usual. Stupid cough and stupid hips and stupid pillows and stupid wrist... Difference today is I don't get to eat breakfast, but have to still take meds that make me woozy. Today is the day I get to drink glucola for the gestational diabetes test and be poked in the arm. Fun!
Off to work at 7, make 50 sandwiches for lunch, slice 48 oranges for snack and then drive across the river. Still a bit shaky--I miss my banana and peanut butter and milk! Everything is ready in case my appointment takes longer than we expect so someone else can serve lunch. They take me first for the appointment and while I am in there she comes to get my blood. The good thing about this set-up is I am distracted so I don't even notice the needle. Glad that is over. So OB and I talk for a good long time and here is where we are:
~Gained 7 pounds, which she is happy about since it is a steady, even gain and I am still under the max recommended.
~Blood pressure was 173/65, low normal and great since I have a history of slightly high BP.
~Down to 500 mg Metformin, since I am having some occasional dizzy and lightheaded moments, mainly when I don't eat enough or am really, really active.
~Albuterol prescription for the cough, Benadrly for sleeping. These two recommendations alone were worth the appointment.
~Fundal measurement is 24 cm, exactly what it should be, heartbeat is steady and strong and baby is closer to the surface which means good growth.
~And biggest news: we have deadline date. She is concerned that I may develop some complications, mainly due to age and blood pressure, and since baby is growing exactly as it should and very healthy, she expects we can safely deliver between 36-39 weeks. She won't take the baby before 36, but if I don't go on my own before 39, then we will induce. I don't really like that idea, but a healthy mom=healthy baby, and while I am not one for planning when to deliver, it will probably reduce my stress level if I have a deadline by then. She does not want me traveling after 34 weeks either, so that works perfect with my plan to do nothing but veg the last month.
It is 9:30 AM when I am done and I joke with the office staff that I was kinda hoping the ice storm that is coming would be here by now so schools would start closing and I can go on home instead of back to work, but no such luck--it's just bitter cold. Drive back to work and as I am pulling into the parking lot, the county announces that they are sending kids home beginning at 10 AM. YES!!! We are part of college campus and also have a contract with the school system, so our director usually gets to make her own best decision about what to do and who to follow--best case is she can close for either or both systems. So I serve lunch at 10:45, we close to families at 11, so after spending 30 minutes at Walgreens, we are home by 12:30. This was a good, crazy mixed-up day!
Good, cause I am tired. T.I.R.E.D. Maybe it was the not eating, or how rushed the morning was, or the culmination of not sleeping well at night, so I nap at about 2:30 PM. At 4 PM, I wake up practically screaming. The worst charley horse I have ever had in my life. I massage, I stretch, C. massages, reminds me to relax--I can't. Then I start breathing. Now the pain did not go away, and actually it still hurts 5 hours later, but I kinda went into this zone where I could handle it and began to relax. So our childbirth class and the relaxation CDs and hypnobirthing reading does work. C. joked that if I can't handle this, what about a baby--I reminded him we actually get something out of that pain, this only gave me a sore leg. He agreed. Besides, my mantra for childbirth is "This is not painful."
Stop laughing.
So I roll over and doze off again. I hear the rain and ice hitting the windows and dripping on the front porch. Then...hmmm, that one sounds odd. And then, what was that on my head? OH NO!! Our bedroom ceiling is leaking, onto the bed and lamp! We put down towels and C finds the leak in the attic and puts a bucket there. But it is dark outside, in the middle of an ice storm, and the roof is covered in ice, so there is nothing else we can do. We had a tornado in our area about 3 weeks ago that took off a corner of our roof, opposite the leak area, and that was all the damage we had found, but obviously there was more, as the roof has never leaked before and this is the first real rain we have had since then. We have a settlement from the insurance company and a repair guy coming to do the corner next week, but we have to start over tomorrow. ARGGG. Maybe they will replace the whole roof though.
As good as the day was for the most part, and the OB appointment seems so long ago now, I am done with this day. So now I am on the couch, eating Reese Cups, watching "My Name is Earl" with my husband. I told ya, I am just like