Look at this:

No days left--baby has 27 minutes or we all lost the birthday game!
I guess it goes with my procrastinating nature that this baby is not here yet. I am not complaining though--I feel GREAT, my last day of work was Friday, there is shopping and projects to finish up, I am enjoying my naps and snacks, and I want this baby to be well cooked and ready. Since I have passed my goals of 36 and 39 weeks and my hoped for birthdays of June 7 or 9, I am now holding out for June 16. Last week OB said baby is "beautiful" on the non-stress test, measured exactly at 39 weeks 5 days, my blood pressure and weight is perfect and the heartburn is gone. Our next OB appointment is Thursday afternoon and she did say bring my bags (hee hee, they have been in the car since May 1!) just in case we do decide that I need to go on over to the hospital, but otherwise there is no cause for concern and she is not talking about inducing anytime soon. I am far too comfortable and ready according to my friends to be anywhere close to delivery. My husband swears he is going to mess up the house and not do the laundry just to give baby a kick start!
Watch this space though...you never know when a baby might appear!